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Let's Talk Self-Love

Writer: WendyWendy

Life can be challenging at times but through those challenges, you can grow and flourish if you do it with self-love. I have grown to learn that the most painful of times are actually the most transformational if you allow it to be. And by choosing to love yourself through it makes the challenges and life easier. So let’s go right into it...When is it the most important time to nurture & love yourself? Stop and think about that for a moment. In society, I find that the "norm" is the exact opposite of what it needs to be to live a healthy, happy, abundant life. So, when is it the most important time to nurture and unconditionally love yourself? The most important time to nurture and love yourself is when you are feeling down. Either you are emotionally, physically, mentally or maybe even spiritually not feeling ok. When you feel at your lowest it is the most important to love you through it…and why not? Why is it the norm to push and beat ourselves down when it feels that life is already against you? It only makes the experience more painful, and traumatic. Can you remember the last time you did this to yourself...beat yourself down when you were already feeling like garbage? It is your comfortable yet uncomfortable space to be in. One of the best changes I have made that has made my life so much more joyful and abundant is this, loving myself even when it felt the hardest to do so. It is not easy and it takes baby steps, patience, and self-love along the way but it is the most rewarding thing you can do for yourself. To become your own support, to learn to love who you are (no matter how you are feeling), to honour the amazing soul you are (because yes you are) even when you do not feel amazing creates a life of feeling more loved and supported, more than you can ever imagine...(because if you want more support and love in your life you need to feel love and support from within so it can shine through you and attract just that in your outer world).Take a moment to reflect on how you usually treat yourself during these times. Do you treat yourself with love, patience, and gentleness or is it the complete opposite? Why? Why is it easier to beat your selves down, even more, when you already feel awful?I used to be famous for beating myself up, it seemed the more down I was the more my inner bully would beat me down further. It felt awful and so painful.Can you relate?What if you could actually start nurturing yourself during this time?What would that look and feel like for you?You may be thinking this sounds great but how can you do that. It is a conscious choice you make each time you are in this space of negativity and the more you make it the more natural and easier it becomes. Today I want to share an activity with you that will allow you to start taking steps to learning to love and nurture yourself when it is the most important time to do so.



Start Building Your Unconditional Self-love today.The first step is to become aware of yourself when you feel off in any way. In this awareness become present to what you are feeling,  without judgment. Accept what you are feeling because it is showing up for a reason, it is what it is and that is ok. Then take a deep breath in and tell yourself in this moment, you are choosing to love you. No matter how funny or weird this may feel this is very important to do. You have to consciously allow yourself to love you. The more you do this activity the more it will just become natural, you will start to feel yourself integrate this and it will not feel so strange. After a while, it will start to feel natural and the way your life will change will be beautiful. Remember to acknowledge how you feel and then tell yourself you got this, and that no matter what you are feeling, it is OK! Because let's face it, our inner bully show up to tell us that we are not good enough but you are! All you need to do is make the choice that yes you are worthy of unconditional love. The more you show yourself love and acceptance the more you will also experience this in your life. To change anything in your life it must start from within you first!This is a very simple and beautiful activity that can really start to transform your life if you choose so.

I would love to hear how this activity is for you, you can email me at

If you are desiring more clarity, support, and guidance, I invite you to connect with me for a free 30-minute Soul Therapy consultation with me. We can see where and how I can really support you on your journey of inner connection and healing.



Thank you! Message sent.

© 2018 Wendy Anne Walker | Licensed Soul Therapist

Winlaw, B.C, Canada

Cell: (306) 281-3177

Home: (250) 226-7496

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